Presently, Aurelia’s navigation-skeleton isn’t playing nice on windows. When you get the the part where you run
jspm install -y
I was getting the error
Command failed: "unzip" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This makes sense, because windows doesn’t have a command line ‘unzip’ program.
To solve this, I grabbed unzip.exe from here: I have a “utils” folder that is in my path that I can toss executables in, so I put it there.
The next error that comes up is is similar.
Command failed: "chmod" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This command isn’t necessary for us, so I created “” in my “utils” folder and added the line
echo "noop"
as a Noop executable. JSPM was then happy.